Margaret J. Magley, LPC

Licensed Professional Counselor located in Marietta, GA & Roswell/Alpharetta, Roswell, GA

About Margaret J. Magley, LPC, NCC


Background Licensed Professional Counselor in the State of Georgia, Nationally Board-Certified Counselor, BS in Science from University of Michigan in Ann Arbor; MA in Psychology with a counseling specialty from Georgia School of Professional Psychology.

Biography/Experience Since 1995

Inpatient hospitalization, partial hospitalization, and intensive outpatient treatment of psychiatric disorders and chemical dependency; Community Mental Health; Outpatient chemical dependency treatment; Outpatient private practice. Private practice in association with Psych Atlanta (formerly Northwest Behavioral Medicine) since 2001, offering outpatient treatment and coordination of care for psychiatric disorders and counseling issues in adults 18 years old and older.

Currently not accepting new patients

